Thursday 26 March 2015

Vinegar: A Natural Cleaning Agent

Vinegar - A Natural Cleaning Agent

Vinegar is definitely a versatile item you should keep around the house. What's so great about it? Besides being effective, vinegar is cheap and widely available. It is non-toxic, lasts for a long time without losing strength, and is much safer to have under your sink than bleach, ammonia, or other toxic cleaning products. Although vinegar is not registered as a disinfectant with the EPA, it will kill both salmonella and E.coli [1], two bacteria you'll want to avoid. Consequently, white vinegar can be used to clean loads of things around your home. Here are just a few suggestions for what you can clean with vinegar:
Tap into the many uses:
1. Clean Windows
Instead of spending money on window cleaning chemicals — especially ones that include toxic or potentially toxic chemicals — make your own! Mix 2 tablespoons of white vinegar with a gallon of water, and dispense into a used spray bottle. Squirt on, then scrub with newspaper, not paper towels, which cause streaking.
2. Get Fresher Laundry
Got grass stains? No problem. Make a mixture of one-third cup white vinegar and two-thirds cup water. Apply the solution to the stain and blot with a clean cloth. Repeat this process until you've removed as much green as possible, and then launder as usual.
When your big washing day comes around, toss in a capful of white vinegar. Your colors will come out bolder and your whites whiter.

3. Clean Carpets
Battle some carpet stains, like wine, with a mix of vinegar and warm water.
4. Wash Produce
Vinegar may help remove bacteria and pesticide residues from fruits and veggies. Mix three parts water to one part white vinegar, and dispense in a spray bottle. Then rinse with water. Or even just allow produce to soak in a bowl of the same mixture for 15 minutes and then rinse with water.
5. Dissolve Stubborn Glue
Having trouble getting that annoying sticky label residue off a product? Or accidentally glue something together? Try using vinegar as a solvent to dissolve many common adhesives. Vinegar is also good at cutting grease.
6. Fight Hiccups
Some people claim they were able to cure pesky hiccups instantly by swallowing a teaspoon of vinegar. If your other hiccup tricks don't work, it won't hurt to try a dash of the stuff.
7. Clean your coffeemaker
Run the machine with equal parts water and vinegar. Halfway through the cycle, turn it off and let it sit for an hour. Then complete the cycle.

8. Clean your microwave
Put one cup vinegar and one cup water in a bowl and microwave on high for about 10 minutes. Afterward, stains and dried food should be easy to wipe away.

9. Make glasses sparkle
Put one cup of vinegar in the bottom of your dishwasher before you run the cycle. After you run the dishwasher, your glassware shouldn't be cloudy.

10. Remove mineral deposits from a showerhead
Put vinegar in a plastic bag and tie the bag around the showerhead. Let the bag sit overnight, and rinse the showerhead with water in the morning.

11. Prevent mildew in the shower
Spray vinegar on shower walls and curtains to prevent mildew from building up.

12. Remove those annoying stickers
Rub labels with vinegar, let sit for 10 minutes, then remove.

Adding baking soda to your vinegar can pack a powerful cleaning punch too:

13.Unclog a drain
Pour 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/2 cup baking soda down the drain. Rinse with water.

[1] Earth 911-

What is the number one factor that influences a women’s age of menopause?

What is the number one factor that influences a women’s age of menopause?

This is a question I commonly get in private practice from both young and middle-age women concerned about fertility as well as hormonal changes. Many women want to know if lifestyle choices can influence their age of natural menopause and at what age they should start to prepare for the transition. Women are also interested in learning about natural approaches to help with menopausal symptoms and are concerns about side effects of hormone replacement therapy (HRT)- this will be discussed in an upcoming blog post. 

The number one factor influencing menopause is GENETICS! The age your mother experienced menopause is one of the strongest indicators of your menopause age. However, some women may experience natural menopause earlier than their mother. This usually occurs before the age of 45 and it thought to be due to a one-time genetic mutation or inherited issue.  

The biggest lifestyle factor that influences age of menopause is SMOKING, which damages the ovaries. Women who smoke more than ten cigarettes per day have a 40% increased risk of earlier menopause [1]. Women who have three or more children experience menopause approximately 1 year later than women without children (nulliparous) [1].  Other factors that can influence age of menopause include high BMI (later age), heart disease (earlier age) and ethnicity [1,2]. 

From our Naturopathic Doctor Christina Lukasko


[1]. Ikuku K et al. Prospective Study of Factors Influencing the Onset of Natural Menopause. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 1998. 51(12): 1271-1276. 

[2]. Gold EB et al. Factors Associated with Age at Natural Menopause in a Multiethnic Sample of Midlife Women. American Journal of Epidemiology.  2001. 153 (9): 866-874. 

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Cold Weather gotcha craving Warm Comfort Food?

When it is cold outside the last thing your craving is probably salad, but that makes sticking to your healthy eating choices harder to do.  Check out this recipe for Roasted Vegetable Salad and add a little warmth to that salad. Also note that the health benefits are listed at the end.
Warm roasted vegetable salad

  • Ingredients
  • Nutrition


  1. Step 1
    Preheat oven to 220°C/200°C fan-forced. Place potato, sweet potato, garlic and oil in a bowl. Toss well to combine. Place mixture, in a single layer, onto a large oven tray. Season with salt and pepper. Roast for 20 minutes.
  2. Step 2
    Turn potato and sweet potato. Add capsicum and red onion tray. Roast for 15  minutes then add pinenuts to vegetables to roast for a further 5 minutes or until vegetables are browned and tender. Set aside for 10 minutes to cool slightly.
  3. Step 3
    Meanwhile make dressing. Place lemon juice, oil, mustard and oregano in a screw-top jar. Secure lid. Shake well to combine.
  4. Step 4
    Place rocket, pine nuts and vegetables in a large bowl. Pour over dressing. Toss gently to combine. Serve.           

Fat saturated
Fat Total
Carbohydrate sugars
Carbohydrate Total
Dietary Fibre

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Colour Wheel of Natural Foods

Colour Wheel of Natural Foods

Nature provides us with an array of bright colours to stimulate our senses and encourage us to eat a variety of foods. Each colour is represented by a different nutrient, but they are all beneficial for our health, helping to keep us cancer free and at lower risk for heart disease and other ailments.

Many of The red-hued foods such as tomatoes, watermelon, grapefruit and papaya get their colour from the phytonutrient lycopene. Lypocene is believed to be responsible for the decreased risk of certain cancers  including prostate, ovarian, pancreatic, bladder, breast and stomach. Interestingly, cooking greatly increase the amount of lycopene that we absorb by breaking down the plant cell wall. So eating tomato based pasts sauces and soups is great for your health!

Yellow & Orange
Beta-carotene is responsible for the orange and yellow colour of many vegetables and fruits. Inside the body it converts to vitamin A which helps keeps the eyes, skin, bones and teeth healthy. It also may help to reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease and boost the immune system. Alpha-carotene is also found in this colour group and it has been associated with lower risk of death from cancers of the organs, tissues of the respiratory tract and upper GI tract such as the mouth and esophagus. Careful though, eating too much of these fruits and veggies can cause your skin to go a bit yellow!(although it isn't harmful to your health!)

Darker is better when it comes to choosing your greens because it means they have higher levels of carotenoids! Dark green vegetables are also rich in Vitamin K which helps blood clot properly and keep bones healthy and strong. Greens are also sources of vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants which help inhibit age-related eyesight deterioration, reduce the risk of chronic disease and inhibit the spread of cancer cells.

Blue + Purple

Anthocyanins are the antioxidants responsible for the blue and purple spectrum of the fruit and vegetable world. Blueberries own the bragging rights for having almost four times the amount of cancer-fighting and inflammation reducing antioxidants than most fruit, and wildest blueberries have the highest levels of all with double that of regular blueberries.

Despite their neutral colour, white vegetables and fruits contain many phytonutrients, they are rich in fibre and sulforaphane a compound that protects the lining of the stomach by preventing bacterial overgrowth. Their phytonutrients also help reduce inflammation  which can play a role in ailments such as celiac disease, IBS and rheumatoid arthritis. White vegetables and fruits have also been found to reduce the risk of stroke by 52%!

Maca - The Ancient Peruvian Superfood

Lepidium meyenii, known commonly as Peruvian Ginseng or maca, is a root vegetable that belongs to the radish family native to the high Andes of Peru. It has been cultivated as a vegetable crop in Peru for at least 3000 years. Maca’s benefits have long been valued, and has recently been popularized as a supplement and food ingredient. What are maca's benefits? Below are the 7 top health benefits that maca provides:
1. Vitamins
Maca is rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, potassium, phosphorous  and contains the essential trace elements iron, iodine, copper, manganese and Zinc. Maca also contains fatty acids including linolenic acid, palmitic acid, oleic acid as well as 19 amino acids.
2. Sexual function
Maca is widely used to promote sexual function of both men and women. It serves as a boost to your libido and increases endurance. At the same time it balances your hormones and increases fertility. Hormonal regulation is responsible for all of the physiological attributes that enable us to enjoy the myriad sensations of being vibrantly alive, including those related to sexual arousal, physical activity and mental-emotional states of wellbeing.
3. Women’s health and mood
Maca relieves menstrual issues and menopause. It alleviates cramps, body pain, hot flashes, anxiety, mood swings, and depression. If you are pregnant or lactating you should avoid taking maca. Hot flashes are diminished; sleep is normalized while stress levels are reduced when incorporating maca Power into a daily wellness routine. Peruvian Maca root encourages the body to produce its own hormones to restore balance, instead of introducing hormones to the body. It's the simple, natural approach that brings a world of difference to women suffering from the sometimes debilitating symptoms.
4. Energy
Within days of using maca your energy level may increase. It is also known for increasing stamina. Many athletes take maca for peak performance. Unlike many other energy- and muscle-boosting substances, such as anabolic steroids, maca contains no chemicals that interfere with or over-activate normal endocrine function. If you find yourself tired most of the time, experiment with maca to see if it helps. Just a small amount could be exactly what you need for a boost!
5. General health
Maca helps your overall health in a number of ways. It supplies iron and helps restore red blood cells, which aids anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Maca keeps your bones and teeth healthy and allows you to heal from wounds more quickly. Maca is an adaptogen, which means that it raises the body's response to defend itself against disease both physically and emotionally. When used in conjunction with a good workout regime you will notice an increase in muscle mass.
But be very cautious if you have a cancer related to hormones like testicular and ovarian, among others. If you have liver issues or high blood pressure you should ask your doctor before taking maca.
6. Skin
Many people take maca for skin issues, as for some people it helps to clear acne and blemishes. Another benefit for your skin is that is decreases sensitivity. In hot or cold weather, maca may help your skin withstand extreme temperatures.
7. Mood balance
If you find yourself overcome with anxiety, stress, depression or mood swings, maca may help alleviate these symptoms, though of the evidence is anecdotal. Some have reported an increase in mental energy and focus. Adaptogens increase the body's ability to cope with physical, chemical and biological stress. Characteristics of an adaptogenic herb are non-toxic, while increasing resistance to stress, fatigue & distress - helping the body regain balance.
Maca can be used for a variety purposes, which can differ for men and women. Here is a break down of the top ways it helps both sexes.
  • Increases energy (Chronic Fatigue)
  • Treat sexual dysfunction (Loss of Libido)
  • Increases stamina & athletic performance
  • Nourishes glandular system
  • Fertility enhancement
  • Improves physical and emotional well being
  • Promotes mental clarity
  • Balance hormones

  • Treat PMS (Mood Swings)
  • Menopause symptom relief (Hot Flashes)
  • Sexual stimulation
  • Nourishes glandular system
  • HRT alternative(Hormone Replacement Therapy)
  • Increases stamina & athletic performance
  • Increases energy (Chronic Fatigue)
  • Balance hormones

Overall, maca will:

  • Promote vitality
  • Contribute to a feeling of overall well-being
  • Maintain good health
  • Provide antioxidant support

    Maca root is a food and therefore should not be used in small quantities. For it to be effective and to achieve results, proper dosages should be followed. In keeping with original ancestral Peruvian dosages, you should mix 3/4 to 1 teaspoon of maca into smoothies, yogurt, herbal teas, fruit juices, etc. Or if you are using maca capsules take 2 to 6 500mg capsules per day or as directed by your health practitioner.

    Thursday 4 December 2014

    The Health Benefits of Mushrooms

    The body’s ability to maintain its blood pressure is vital to life. Chronic hypertension is a major coronary heart disease risk factor that contributes to half a million strokes and more than a million heart attacks each year. The higher the blood pressure, the greater the risk of heart disease but what is a natural, easy way to help decrease high blood pressure? Recent studies have shown the powerful hypotensive and cholesterol lowering actions of  three dietary mushrooms.

    According to research conducted at the Tohoku University in Japan on a group of spontaneously hypertensive rats, maitake mushrooms may also lower blood pressure. After a review of some studies, the Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, in New York, called for further evidence of the role of this functional food class and concluded that these healthful fungi contain beta-glucan, which is important for cellular immunity. They are also thought to boost sensitivity to insulin and reduce cholesterol, triglyceride levels and blood pressure. 'Maitake has anticancer, antiviral, and immune-system enhancing effects and may also help control both high blood pressure and blood sugar levels.' - Dr. Weil

    Abalone mushrooms may also help to reduce high lower blood pressure naturally. The abalone mushroom, features a smooth surface, yet meaty texture. It is named for its flat, disk-like appearance, which is similar to that of abalone shellfish. In addition to making a delicious culinary ingredient, abalone mushrooms are high in protein and are thought to boast a number of health benefits including lowering cholesterol levels.  'It has been shown that Angiotensin I-converting enzymes (or ACE) inhibitors in certain pharmaceuticals lower mortality in patients with hypertension. However, natural ACE inhibitors that come from food like abalone mushrooms are thought to be safer to ingest, with fewer side effects.'-Dr. Ronald Hoffman
    Shiitake mushrooms offer a rich source of fiber, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin and eight different amino acids. Compounds in shiitake mushrooms help convert sunlight to vitamin D and are linked to inhibiting the growth of tumors by boosting white blood cells. In addition, shiitake mushrooms are said to help reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

    People who have concerns about blood pressure should first see a health care professional, but then may want to stock up on abalone, shiitake or maitake mushrooms. You should be able to find these mushrooms dried or fresh in Japanese markets, gourmet foods stores, or upscale supermarkets. Extracts are also widely available. These healthful fungi can be eaten fresh or cooked and added to salads, sauces, soups, stir fries and casseroles. To keep mushrooms as fresh as possible, they should not be washed prior to storage, nor should they be stored in plastic bags. Keep them in their original container in the refrigerator drawer or a very cool pantry.

    Thursday 27 November 2014

    Laser Solutions - Toe Nail Fungus

    Toenail Fungus

    I know that as Christmas approaches and our feet are all warmly tucked away in cozy slippers and boots our toenails are the last things on our minds, but they shouldn’t be. In no time at all the first flowers of spring will bloom and, as Vancouverites, we will be back in shorts and flip-flops the moment the rain stops.

    If your unsightly toenail fungus limited your footwear selection last summer, or if you spent your hard-earned money on pedicures and nail polish to camouflage your symptoms, then NOW is the time to start treating your nails so you can expose them fearlessly this summer.

    Onychomycosis (nail fungus) is the most common and stubborn of all nail diseases. By the age of 50, one in four of us have this embarrassing nail disorder and are hiding its typical symptoms of discoloured and thickened nails. That small yellowed corner that you attempt to treat with over the counter medication or home remedies is highly contagious and destined to worsen. Without effective, early treatment the chance of one affected nail spreading to the others is 100%!

    Both topical and oral medications are currently used to treat nail fungus. Topical medications are ineffective as they do not penetrate the nail to the required depth, and oral medications are associated with potential serious side effects and require regular blood tests to monitor for liver and kidney damage.

    At Pure Health Centre, Halcyon Laser Solutions is now offering risk free, painless and effective laser treatments that take less than 15 minutes, have no down-time, and are over 80% effective at eliminating fungus when combined with a topical antifungal cream to prevent reinfection. Halcyon Laser Solutions has been using the Health Canada and FDA approved Cutera GenesisPlus laser since its debut in 2011 and have successfully eliminated nail fungus for hundreds of patients.

    Call our Health Centre to book your consultation and/or treatment to ensure you are sporting those flip-flops this summer!